Friday, November 29, 2019

Advertisement Advertising Effectiveness Advertising free essay sample

This proposal has been presented for examination with my approval as a supervisor officially appointed by Edgerton University. Mr.. Cache Department of Literature, Languages and Linguistics Abstract Advertising has played a major role in consumer marketing, and has enabled companies to meet communication and other marketing objectives. Typically, advertising is used to inform, persuade, and remind consumers. It importantly reinforces their attitudes and perceptions. Advertising has been a target of criticism for decades. Advertising has been hailed as a capitalistic virtue, an engine of free market economy, and a promoter of consumer elf.Advertising may be defined as the process of buying sponsor-identified media space or time in order to promote a product or an idea. The American Marketing Association, Chicago, has defined advertising as any form of non-personal presentation or promotion of ideas, goods or services, by an identified sponsor. 1. 2 Statement of the problem The importance of this study is to bring in to focus the positive and negative effects of the process of advertising among the consumer nation. We will write a custom essay sample on Advertisement: Advertising Effectiveness Advertising or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Generally, advertising is a relatively low-cost method of conveying selling messages to numerous prospective customers.It can secure leads for salesmen and middlemen by convincing readers to request more information and by identifying outlets handling the product. It can force middlemen to stock the product by building consumer interest. It can help train dealers salesmen in product uses and applications. It can build dealer and consumer confidence in the company and its products by building familiarity. 1. 3 Objectives The objectives of this study will be to: 1. Determine the degree to which advertising impacts to the consumers. 2. Establish aspects of the advertising sector. 3. Determine the effects of advertising (both positive and negative). . 4 Research Questions The research questions of this study will be: * What advertising is * What is included in an advertisement * What is excluded in an advertisement * Objectives of advertising * Positive effects of advertisements * Negative effects of advertisements 1. 5 Significance of the study The study will be significant in highlighting the effects of advertising on the society 1. 6 Scope Of the study The study on the effectiveness of advertising on the consumer behavior in the society in relation to the positive and negative effects will be conducted inEdgerton university Nassau Town Campus, along Nassau-Older Highway in Nassau County. The researcher will mostly focus on the students who are aged between 20 and 25 years of age. 1. 7 Limitations of the study A small budget and time constraints limited the researcher to a smaller geographical area. 1. 8 Definition of Terms Advertisement is a mass communicating of information intended to persuade buyers to buy products with a view to maximizing a companys profits. CHAPTER 2 2. 1 Literature Review All advertising efforts are directed mainly towards the achievement of business, marketing and advertising objectives I. , to increase the sales turnover and thus to market the maximum profit. The advertiser spends lots of money into this advertising activity. In the background of all these efforts, is an attempt to attract the customer towards the product through advertising. As soon as the advertising campaign is over, a need is generally arisen to measure the effectiveness of the campaign. Whether, it has achieved the desired results I. E. Desired sales profitability or results in terms the change in customer behavior in favor of the companys product which will naturally, affect the future sale of the product.In order to measure the effectiveness of advertising copy, two types of tests pre tests and post tests- can be undertaken. Pre tests are generally conducted in the beginning of the creation process or at the end of creation process or production stage. There are several pre and post tests techniques to measure the effectiveness of the advertising copy. The effectiveness of advertising in a particular media may also be measured in any of the following ways (a) By giving different addresses to different media, (b) Different newspapers may be selected for advertisements of different apartments, (c) Coupon blank etc. May be provided with the advertisement or (d) Enquiry from consumers should mention the name of the source of information. The technique is known as keying the advertising. Thus in measuring the effectiveness of advertising we include measuring of the effectiveness of advertising campaign, advertising copy and the effectiveness of individual media. 2. 2 Theoretical Framework METHODS OF MEASURING ADVERTISING EFFECTIVENESS Advertising is aimed at improving the sales volume of a concern so its effectiveness can be evaluated by its impact on sales.Most Of the managers live that the advertisement directly affects the sales volume and hence they evaluate the effectiveness of the advertising campaign by the increase in the sales volume. There may be two types measures (I) Direct measures: and (ii) Indirect measures:- (1) Direct Measures of Advertising Effectiveness Under direct measures, a relationship between advertising and sales is established. A comparison of sales of two periods or two periods or two markets may be done and the corresponding changes may be noted. The following are some of the methods that are generally used in measuring that advertising effects. ) Historical Sales Method Some insights into the effectiveness of past advertising may be obtained by measuring the relationship between the advertising expenditure and the total sales of the product. A multiple regression analysis of advertising expenditure and sales over several time periods may be calculated. It would show how the changes in advertising expenditure have corresponding changes in sales volume. This technique estimates the contribution that advertising has made to explaining in a co relational manner rather than a casual sales, the variation in sales over the time periods covered in the study (b) ExperimentalControl The other measure of advertising effectiveness is the method of experimental control where a casual relationship between advertising and sales is established. This method is quite expensive when related to other advertising effectiveness measures yet it is possible to isolate advertising contribution to sales. Moreover this can be done as a pre-test to aid advertising in choosing between alternative creative designs. Media schedules expenditure levels or some combination of these advertising decision areas.One experimental approach to measuring the sales effectiveness of advertising is test racketing. (I) Before-after with Control Group Design This classic design uses several test and control cities in this design two types of cities are selected. Cities in which advertising campaigns are affected may be named as test cities and other cities may be called central cities. First of all, the normal sales level is calculated for both type of cities prior to advertising campaign, and then the advertising campaign is presented to the test cities and not the central cities.The effect of advertising campaign, can then, be measured by subtracting the amount of post campaign figure of sale from the re campaign sale figures in test cities (ii) Multivariate Experimental Designs While the experimental design discussed above yields a reasonably accurate estimate of the effects of the advertising on sales, it is not successful in explaining the success or failure of the campaign itself. Multivariate designs Produce these explanations and are, therefore used by some very large firm because of their diagnostic value. The power of this multivariate factorial design is explained by G.H. Brown, former Fords Director of Marketing Research. For any single medium, eight possible geographic areas have been exposed and eight have not been exposed. Thus, in this experimental model it is possible to evaluate how each individual medium behaves alone and in all possible to evaluate how each individual medium behaves alone and in all possible combinations with other media. (2) Indirect Measures As it is very difficult to measure the direct effect of advertising on companys profits or sales, most firms rely heavily on indirect measures. These measures do not evaluate the effects of advertisements directing on sales or profits but all other factors such as customer awareness or attitude or customer recall of advertising message affect the sales or profits or goals of the business indirectly. Despite the uncertainties about the relationship between the intermediate effects of advertising and the ultimate results, there is no other alternative but to use indirect measures. The most commonly used measures are (I) Exposure to Advertisement In order to be effective, the advertisement must gain exposure.The management is concerned about the number of target audiences who see or hear the organization message set in the advertisement. Without exposure, advertisement is bound to failure. Marketers or advertisers may obtain an dead of exposure generated by the medium by examining its circulation or audience data which reveal the number of copies of the magazine, newspaper or journal sold the number of persons passing the bill boards or riding in transit facilities, or the number of persons living in the televising or radio listening area, and the number of persons switching on their T. V. ND radio sets at various points of time. This number can be estimated by interviewing the numbers of the audience for different media. (ii) Attention or Recall of Advertising Message Content This is one of the widely used measures of advertising results. Under this measure, a recall of the message content among a specified group or groups or prospective customers is measured within 24 hours of the exposure of the advertisement. Attention value is the chief quality of the advertising copy the advertisements cannot be said to be effective unless they attract the attention of the target consumers.There are two methods for evaluating the attention getting value of the advertisements. One is pre-test and the other is post-test. In a pre-test evaluation, the consumers are asked to indicate the extent to which they recognize or recall the advertisement, they have already en. This test is conducted in the laboratory setting. Here consumers read, hear or listen to the advertisement and then researchers ask question regarding the advertisement just to test the recall and then evaluate it.In post-test method, the consumers are asked questions about the indication of recognition or recall after the advertisement has been run. These measures assume that customers can recall or recognize what they have viewed or listened to. Various mechanical devices are being used in the western countries which provide indices of attention such as eye-camera etc. (iii) Brand Awareness The marketers who rely heavily on advertising often appraise its effectiveness by measuring the customers awareness about the particular product or brand. The assumption of this type of measure is that there is a direct relationship between the advertisements and the awareness. This type of measure is also subject to the same criticisms as is applicable to direct measures of effectiveness (sales measures because awareness is also not the direct result of the advertisements. It is also affected by many other factors. But, for new products, changes in awareness can often be attributed to the influence of advertising. (iv) Comprehension Consumers generally use advertisements as a means of obtaining information about the product, brand or the manufacturer.They cannot be informed unless they comprehend the message (grasp the message mentally and understand it fully). Various tests for valuating comprehension are available One is recall tests an indicator of comprehension because it is evident that consumers recall what they comprehend. Another measure of the variable is to ask questions about subjects how much they have comprehended a message they have recently heard or seen. One may employ somewhat imprecise test of the comprehension of a newspaper and radio advertisement.One may ask typical target consumers from time to time such questions like what did you think of our new commercial? And Did it get the message across? The answers of these questions will provide sufficient insight into advertising decision making. (v) Attitude Change Since advertising is considered to be one way of influencing the state of the mind of the audience towards a product, service or organization, the results are very often measured in terms of attitudes among groups exposed to advertising communication.Several measures are used ranging from asking the questions about willingness to buy the likelihood of buying to the measurement of the extent to which specific attributes (such as modern or new) are associated with a product. (vi) Act ion One objective of advertisement may be assumed to be to stimulate action or behavior. The action or intention to take an action may be measured on the intention to buy measuring instrument. Under this type of measure, consumers are asked to respond why they are interested in purchasing the product or brand. One type of action that advertisers attempt to induce is eying behavior.

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